Originally Posted By: spacebug
When mIRC is used on a high dpi monitor where all elements are scaled up to 200%, the icons in the top bar in mIRC gets really tiny.

I'm not sure if mIRC is even made scaleabe aware yet but otherwise it looks good.

mIRC has been DPI aware as of 7.32 I don't know if there is a setting in mIRC to make the icons larger. I use Consolas for the font since it is a monospaced antialiased TrueType font which makes it easy on the eyes at all resolutions I have used. Maybe someone else can chime in about any way to make the icons larger. I don't know if the icons scale well though tbh.

mIRC 7.32 has been released! (May 23rd 2013)
This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including:
Added DPI awareness support to prevent Windows applying display scaling to mIRC. This should resolve the blurry interface and font issues when non-standard DPI display settings are used, such as on tablets.
Added MONITOR protocol support for the notify list. mIRC will use MONITOR automatically if it is listed in the server's 005 numeric.
Improved the way the window buffer is trimmed when it reaches the maximum number of lines set in the Options/Other dialog.
Fixed SSL caching bug that may have required repeat acceptance of certficates on some networks. The cache now stores the IP address of the associated certificate.