If you want to run 60 messages to the channel (which I don't recommend) you can use this code

I do not want to send 60 messages to the channel.
I just want to send one, but the clock run showing the hour, minutes and the actual seconds, for 1 minute.

Conclusion: show the clock in operation.

Perdon, for my bad english, I use the google traductor.

This is my code:
if ($1 == %prefij $+ h) {
    var %date = $asctime(dddd dd mmmm)
    var %date = $replace(%date,Monday,Lunes,Tuesday,Martes,Wednesday,Miércoles,Thursday,Jueves,Friday,Viernes,Saturday,Sábado,Sunday,Domingo)
    var %date = $replace(%date,January,Enero,February,Febrero,March,Marzo,April,Abril,May,Mayo,June,Junio,July,Julio,August,Agosto,September,Setiembre,October,Octubre,November,Noviembre,December,Diciembre )
    msg # 1Son las 12 $asctime(HH) $+ hrs $asctime(nn) $+ mins 1del 12 $gettok(%date,1,32) 1 $gettok(%date,2,32) de $gettok(%date,3,32) $+.  
    msg # 1Horario de  12 URUGUAY 1(GMT-02:00) HERE I PUT THE CLOCK IN OPERATION FOR 1 MINUTE  

Last edited by JuanAm; 16/11/14 12:22 PM. Reason: my bad english perdon