Originally Posted By: westor
Try replace that line with this:

  if (%ctcp_nick) { .msg %ctcp_chan [ $+ %ctcp_user $+ ]: The  $+ %ctcp_nick $+  Ping is  $+ $calc($ctime - $2) $+  second(s). | halt }

It did not work.
I solved it by adding the halt command at the end of the line.

 The correct line is:

[code]if (%ctcp_nick) { .msg %ctcp_chan [ $+ %ctcp_user $+ ]: The  $+ %ctcp_nick $+  Ping is  $+ $calc($ctime - $2) $+  second(s). | halt }

Thank westor for your contribution.

Last edited by JuanAm; 14/11/14 05:00 PM. Reason: Error