Guess i made a mistake during the writing part then, as your part of the code seems to be about correct.

on *:text:!loc:#:{
  if ($readini(Locations.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Location) == !$null) { return }
  writeini -n Locations.ini $nick Location someplace

When a person types !loc, i want the bot to read the Location.ini file. If there is no value for the user, i want it to write down the value "someplace" for the user.

Edit: Alright, it is working not the way i edited the code. Problem is, i would like the whole thing to react to ppl who join the channel, instead of typing !loc. I tried this:

on !*:join:#: { 
  if ($readini(Locations.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Location) == !$null) { return }
  writeini -n Locations.ini $nick Location someplace

Sadly, it dosn't put the person who join the chat in the .ini file, but the bot itself. Where is my error?

Last edited by Ahramanyu; 29/10/14 02:17 AM.