Hello, new guy here and new to making chat bots. I have everything I need set up and working properly (Link Protection, Spam protection, greetings) but I can't find a way to permit users not on the regular list to be able to post links. This is what I have right now:

on $@*:text:*:#:{
if ($regex($1-,/(http\72\/\/|www\.).+\.(com|co|uk)/iS)) && ($nick !isop $chan) {
if (!$istok(%permit,$nick,32)) {
kick $nick $chan You dont have permission to post links in here
noop $regex($1-,/^!(del|alwayspermit|permit)\s(\S+)/iS) {
if ($regml(1) == alwayspermit) && ($nick isop $chan) {
if ($istok(%permit,$regml(2),32)) {
msg $chan $regml(2) is already on always permit list
else {
set %permit $addtok(%permit,$regml(2),32)
msg $chan $regml(2) You are now always permited to post links
if ($regml(1) == permit) && ($nick isop $chan) {
set %permit $addtok(%permit,$regml(2),32)
.timerunset 1 20 set %permit $remtok(%permit,$regml(2),1,32)
msg $chan $regml(2) You have 20 seconds to post a link in here
if ($regml(1) == del) && ($nick isop $chan) {
if ($istok(%permit,$regml(2),32)) {
set %permit $remtok(%permit,$regml(2),1,32)
msg $chan $regml(2) erased suceffully from always permit list
else {
msg $chan $regml(2) is not on always permit list

Is there anything anybody can help me with? I think I see some misspellings but other than that I'm lost frown