I have gave it my all and I'm so very close to achieving my dream bot!!! i just do not understand the $calc

Almost everything works but its only subtracting one from my $cache in stead of the number healed, Please any input would be greatly appreciated!

on *:text:!Eat*:#Lunarmyst:{
if (%health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 100) {
msg $chan You Already Have Full Health!
dec %cache ($calc($health[ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) $+ )
/msg $Chan $nick You Have Just Ate from the Cache and restored %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] health!!
/msg $Chan Remaining cache: %cache Points
set %health [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 100

-Chan: #WolvenSpirit -Server: Irc.Sorcery.Net