
So I want some auto announcement messages in my IRC channel, so far I have it set to a delay, so the announcement message will post once ever 1300 seconds. But now I have three announcement messages, and even tho I have them set to post at different intervals, when someone first entrees the chat they all post at the same time. This is where counting text entrees would help, so I would have it post every 1300 seconds after 50 text posts.

Here is the code I have so far,

on *:text:*:#ifstudios: {
    if ((%donate.) || ($($+(%,donate.,$nick),2))) { return }
    msg # /me Some pop-out text here.
    set -u2700 %donate. On

All I want is a way to count text entrees in the chat from any user. Or maybe a better way of handling announcement videos.

I do things with stuff that makes other things do stuff.