If you run $input from a desktop custom window/dialog (unsure for other window), mIRC allow you to use that desktop window/dialog again..
For example if you are running $input from the sclick dialog event, you can get mIRC to run an infinite number of $input window, at some point mIRC crash.

I may have reported that bug in the past..

;/dialog -m test test
dialog test {
size -1 -1 40 20
button "click me",1,0 0 40 20
on *:dialog:test:sclick:*:noop $input(test,o)

I think that when $input is used without the 'u' switch with a custom window/dialog as the active window, the parent should be that window and not the mIRC main window.

Last edited by Wims; 14/09/14 08:19 PM.

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