I want to have a script where a mod in chat can add quotes to. I currently have this (taken from a normal commands script)

on $*:text:/^!addquote !?(\S+)/iS:#:{
if ($nick !isop #) { return }
writeini quotes.ini # $regml(1) $2-
var %text $read(quotes.txt,1)
if %text == $null {
var %line Commands List: ! $+ $regml(1) $+ ,
else {
var %line %text ! $+ $regml(1)

write -l1 commandsresonse.txt %line
msg # $nick - A new quote has been added to the quotes file.

Problem I am having is that I want a mod to be able to put !quote into chat and have the bot auto pick a random quote from the file and put it in chat. If anyone could please help me with this. I have been trying but I can't get it to work.
