Originally Posted By: Nillen
Before people invest too much time into this, I can tell you that the issue is your script that gives users points.
It's a terrible script that's been going around for quite some time now and it fills up with data extremely quickly, making reading the file extremely slow, causing the application to freeze.

on *:TEXT:!on*:#:{
if ($nick == tylersgaming) {
if ($read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == on) {

if ( $read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == off) {
/write -c botstatus.txt
/timerAward 0 1800 /awardPoints $chan
write botstatus.txt on
msg $chan Points will now be awarded.

on *:TEXT:!off*:#:{
if ($nick == tylersgaming) {
if ($read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == off) {

if ( $read(botstatus.txt,t,1) == on) {
/write -c botstatus.txt
write botstatus.txt off
/timerAward off
msg $chan Points will no longer be awarded.

So I can't have a point script? Everyone else can run them fine with mIRC