So I found this script on the forums but it bunches in all commands into one big mess on the txt file without separating them into the channel they work on.
on $4:text:/^!add !?(\S+)/iS:#:{
  writeini commands.ini # $regml(1) $$3-
  msg # $nick - The command $$2 has been added.
  var %text $read(command.txt,1)
  if %text == $null {
    var %line current commands:  $+ , ! $+ $regml(1)
  else {
    var %line %text ! $+ $regml(1)

  write -l1 command.txt %line

on 4:TEXT:!commands:#: {
msg # Commands are: $read(commands.txt)

I could not figure out how to separate them because I'm terrible.
I need it so that when you do !commands it only shows the commands that were made on that channel.

Last edited by jbgrw; 19/07/14 01:55 AM.