When you press the Renew button multiple posts are made: POST /summoner/ajax/updaterstatus.json/, with this data: summonerId=26151959. That number can be obtained from the original source:
<button class="ladda-button _refreshSummonerInfo summonerRefreshButton" data-color="mint" data-size="xl" data-style="expand-right" onclick="SummonerRefresh.RefreshUser(this, 26151959)" data-summoner-id="26151959" title="Updating llDeathCowll's stats to latest stats.">
I assume you can store this ID if you're only getting data for yourself.


Once you get the finish:true I assume you can grab the entire page again and it will contain the data. That said, APIs exist for a reason and it's probably best to look for one if it exists rather than grabbing entire pages of html.

In the future you can find all of this information yourself using Chrome's (or other browser's) developer tools. You can right click the button and select "Inspect element" to see what the button's supposed to do. Beyond that you can switch to the Network tab to view all of the requests/responses Chrome is making when you press the button.

Last edited by Loki12583; 15/07/14 12:52 AM.