What? Identifiers just like commands must have a purpose.
You can make an infinite number of useless aliases which have no purpose like "alias test return 5".
Surely you don't want this alias to be built-in, returning 5, because it's nothing but useless, you won't have an use for it, you'll always use 5 itself without using $test.
Here it's the same, if you think about it for a second, you'll realize this would just be an identifiers returning another hardcoded string, here is a short example:
dialog test {
size -1 -1 400 400
edit "",1,0 0 0 0
text "",2,0 0 0 0
button "",3,0 0 0 0
edit "",4,0 0 0 0
box "",5,0 0 0 0
If you don't need $test to return "5", you don't need $did(test,4).type to return "edit".

Zmodem's example is the only situation where it would make sense to use it: when you are still working on a dialog table and you may have a lot of controls, you don't remember which is which ID and you don't want to have to look back at the hardcoded dialog table each time... So, this is only about helping you writting code easily, something that should be left to IDE.

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