Alright, i went ahead since i couldnt stop myself from going on, but i managed to work it out, and it seems to be working completly now, without non mods being able to use the, add, delete, etc.

Click to reveal..

;Command and Repeat System

on *:text:!*:#: {
if ($nick isop #) {

if ($1 == !addcom) {
if ($0 < 3) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use #add !<command name> <text> | return }
var %get $+(#,.,$2)
var %name $2
var %text $readini(cmds.ini,n,%get,text)

if !%text {
writeini -n cmds.ini $+(#,.,$2) text $3-
/msg # Edited $2 to $3-

else {
/msg # $2 already exists.

elseif ($1 == !editcom) {

if ($0 < 3) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use #edit !<command name> <text> | return }
var %get $+(#,.,$2)
var %name $2
var %text $readini(cmds.ini,n,%get,text)
if !%text { msg # $2 does not exist. | return }

else {
writeini -n cmds.ini $+(#,.,$2) text $3-
/msg # Edited $2 to $3-

elseif ($1 == !delcom) {
if ($0 < 2) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use !delcom !<command name> | return }
var %get $+(#,.,$2)
var %name $2
var %text $readini(cmds.ini,n,%get,text)
if !%text { msg # $2 does not exist. | return }
else {
/remini cmds.ini $+(#,.,$2)
/msg # Command $2 has been removed.

elseif ($1 == !repeat) {
if ($0 < 3) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use !repeat !<command name> <time in minutes / off> | return }
if ($3 !isnum || $3 < 1) && $3 != off { msg # <time> must be number greater than 0 or off | return }
var %get $+(#,.,$2)
var %name $2
var %text $readini(cmds.ini,n,%get,text)
if !%text { msg # $2 does not exist. | return }
if $timer($+(repeat.,%t)) {
if $3 == off {
$+(.timerrepeat.,%t) off
msg # $2 will now stop repeating.
else { msg # $2 was already active.
else {
if $3 == off { msg # $2 was never started. }
else {
$+(.timerrepeat.,%t) 0 $calc($3 * 60) msg # $replace(%text,|,-,$,-,%,-)
msg # $2 will now repeat every $3 minutes $+ $iif($3 > 1,s) $+ . } }

elseif ($1 == !*) { }
var %get $+(#,.,$1)
var %name $1
var %text $readini(cmds.ini,n,%get,text)
if (!%text) {
else {
if (%flood3) { return }
set -u30 %flood3 On
/msg # %text

else {
;This Happens when the user is not a mod #
elseif ($1 == !*) { }
var %get $+(#,.,$1)
var %name $1
var %text $readini(cmds.ini,n,%get,text)
if (!%text) {
else {
if (%flood3) { return }
set -u30 %flood3 On
/msg # %text

I'm curious about 1 thing, is there way to say like, add a little something to the add and delete command, like when the command gets added / removed.

say, it adds / removes a command, but like, add that command name to another command to like, list all the usuable commands for the ppl / viewers in the room.

but also if the command gets deleted it will also remove it from that list.

like you would type !cmdlist - available commands are !1, !2, !3, etc you get it i guess.

Last edited by ChannelGank; 20/06/14 02:21 AM.