Good idea.

However, it's currently possible to do that quite easily by using the "SendMessage" function of the Win32 API. This function can be implemented on mIRC only trough $com or $dll.

Long time ago, elizio founds a way to executes several "mIRC item-menu's command" with cwnd.dll trough sendMessage function(post of elizio: archived reference here ).

So, to open the log dialog: //dll cwnd.dll sendMessage $window(-2).hwnd 273 155 0

edit: the most correct way to do that is to uses PostMessage instead of SendMessage. SendMessage waits and returns once the dialog closed.

For a custom $dll, here is the correct function (in C):

int __stdcall openlogdialog(HWND mWnd, HWND aWnd, char *data, char *parms, BOOL show, BOOL nopause) {
if (!nopause) {
PostMessage(mWnd, WM_COMMAND, 155, 0);
lstrcpyA(data, "$true");
else {
lstrcpyA(data, "$false");
return 3;

call with /dll myowncompiled.dll openlogdialog

Last edited by HadS; 12/06/14 02:09 PM.