Very new to this. Thought i would mess around with it as a little project but come to a bump in the road.

Here is my code.
on *:Text:!rank:#:{
  var %exp = $readini(Exp.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Exp)
  if (%exp isnum 0-5) { %exp = - Recruit - }
  elseif (%exp isnum 6-13) { %exp = ○ Apprentice ○ }
  elseif (%exp isnum 14-22) { %exp = ● Private ● }
  elseif (%exp isnum 23-33) { %exp = ◇ Corporal ◇ }
  elseif (%exp isnum 34-49) { %exp = ◆ Sergeant ◆ }
msg # $nick has $readini(Exp.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Exp) Exp.

This is a shortened less confusing version of my code, but you get the idea. Now, as i don't want people gaining "exp" fast they are not due to get their first exp until around 30 minutes. If they use my !rank command during their first 30 minutes it brings up the message

"user has exp"

How can i make it say something along the lines of

"user has 0 exp. Stay active to gain exp"

Or as an alternative how can I can i make it give new users a one off 1 exp once they join to get them on the ranking list.

Sorry for any confusion and thanks in advance.