Ok, so question, I am playing with a number guess script that someone else made to kinda learn the basics of scripting, and I am kinda stumped,

ON *:TEXT:!guess*:#: {
  if (%number [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) && ($2 isnum 1-100) &&(%guessact) {
    set -u10 %guessact 1
    inc %guesses
    if ($2 == %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { msg # WOW nice job!! $nick The Number Was $2 $+ ! It took %guesses guesses. | unset %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | unset %scriptcount }
    else { echo Script Error! } 

Is there anyway to do this with out the !guess and put in a wild card to just see the number with out having to put in a !.

I tried a few different things, from different sites that talked about wild cards. None of them worked.
The closest I got was !* and that required to type ! <number> to get a response. So I am thinking I need something there to start it.

Anyway I did searches to see if anyone else talked about doing this in other scripts did not see it, but may have missed it.
So if anyone could give me some advice or point me in the right direction to find a answer that would rock!

Thanks for your time