I'll test now for you man. Appreciate it. Huge help

Alright, semi-tested. It works on join, can add and remove, and turn it off and on. The !welcome command (to show if it's on or not) doesn't work for some reason. Not a huge deal though, I believe it's on by default. And it messages when you do !welcome (on/off) so that tells you if it's on anyway. Not able to test for the flood at the moment, but it's blessing so I'm sure that works anyway :P The !welcome reset is also not working, for me at least. But, I'll try to sort it out a bit

Also, if you have an old welcome script, you'll need to re-do all the welcome messages (I just copy/pasted them from the old one under the new [vip.#channelnamehere] in the welcome file. Thanks again bless!
After a little more testing, I think I've found the problem. When I do "!welcome on/off" it messes something up. After turning it on and not leaving it on by default it stops letting me edit messages, removing messages, and resetting unknown. Which is fine, for me anyway, since I don't mind going in and taking it out when I need to. Again, thank you blessing.