currently i have
on *:text:!editme*:#: {
  if ( $regex($2-, \.com) ) { msg $chan $nick --> Communicate THIS! (No links allowed in !whoisuser message) }
  if ( $regex($2-, \.co) ) { msg $chan $nick --> Who uses .co anymore? Kappa (No links allowed in !whoisuser message) }
  if ( $regex($2-, \.net) ) { msg $chan $nick --> Net of webs! NOPE. (No links allowed in !whoisuser message) }
  if ( $regex($2-, \.org) ) { msg $chan $nick --> Orginizaation of MY ASS! (No links allowed in !whoisuser message) }
  if ( $regex($2-, \.de) ) { msg  $chan $nick --> what is that, german? (No links allowed in !whoisuser message) }
  if ( $regex($2-,\/join) ) { msg $chan $nick --> Im will not join any channel but RNG's and dudes! }
  else { .writeini users.ini $nick Message $2-}

I was wondering if i could do something so on the ELSE when it does .writeini it could also say a message so that the user knows it's been edited?