Hey guys I'm new here and new to scripting, I don't really know a lot but I'm learning and want to improve, any guides/tips would be appreciated.

I want to make a script that returns specific PM information; So say I type in a channel !new and that bot will then PM another bot a certain command via pm, how do I make my bot return in channel chat what the other bot then PM's back?

Me to Chan <Me> !new
Bot to OtherBot <Bot> new
OtherBot to Bot <OtherBot> information here
Bot to Chan <Bot> New information

on *:text:.new*:#chan: {
if ((%flood) || ($($+(%,flood.,$nick),2))) { return }
set -u10 %flood On
set -u10 %flood. $+ $nick On
msg Bot new $+

on *:text:new*:?: { .timer 1 3 msg #chan $1- $+

I sorta got it working by using this, but I don't know how I'd merge those two into just the one command, or how I can make it respond said "new" text from certain PMS only (As in a specified nickname only)

Last edited by Zoidberg; 08/05/14 08:21 AM.