Well done. thank you Wims.

Proper code should be like this.
Tested with 3000 data and takes 3-4secs to complete. much faster than my previous code.
on *:TEXT:!top10:#:{
  if $nick == YOURNICKHERE { top10 # } 
  else { msg # You are not allowed to use !top10. }
alias top10 {
  window -h @. | var %i 1
  while $ini(points.ini,%i) {
    var %n $v1
    if ($+(*,$1,*) iswm %n) {
      aline @. $gettok($remove(%n,[,]),2,46) $readini(points.ini,%n,points)
    inc %i
  filter -cetuww 2 32 @. @.
  var %i 1 | while %i <= 10 {
    var %list $addtok(%list,$line(@.,%i),44)
    inc %i
  msg $1 Top 10 point are: $replace(%list,$chr(44),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
  window -c @.