Add something like this to blessing's code
on *:join:#:if !$timer($+(opcheck.,#))  { $+(.timeropcheck.,#) 0 5 opcheck # }
on *:text:!optime *:#:if $nick isop # { optime # $iif($2,$2,$nick) 1 }

alias -l opcheck {
  if $me !ison $1 { $+(.timeropcheck.,$1) off | return }
  var %i 1
  while $nick($1,%i,o) { 
    optime $1 $v1 
    inc %i 

alias -l optime {
  if $isfile(opfile.ini) { var %d $iif($readini(opfile.ini,$+(Week.,%x,.,$1),$2),$v1,0) }
  else { var %d 0 }
  if $3 { msg $1 $2 has $iif(%d,spent $duration(%d) as an op today.,no online record today.) } 
  else { writeini opfile.ini $+(Week.,%x,.,$1) $2 $calc(%d + 5) }

alias -l dayup inc %x
alias dayupstart timer 0 86400 dayup
menu channel {
  Set Day { set %x $?="" }
  Start Day Timer { dayupstart }
  Manual Dayup { dayup }

You'll probably figure out how to do it better though.

Nillens @
Nillen @