I was thinking mods could cheating by choosing option that less user bet on and take point away smile
Thats why i thought it's more fair if bot just auto close and pick random option.

Here is part of the code modified to not auto !wonbet.
You need to include previous on join event, on nick event, and bet_ alias.
alias -l bet {
  noop $regex($3,/^!((?:new|won)?bet)/)
  var %r $regml(1)
  if $istok(newbet wonbet,%r,32) && $2 !isop $1 && !%bet. [ $+ [ %r ] ] { 
    set -u60 %bet. [ $+ [ %r ] ] 1
    msg $1 $+(!,%r) is OP command.
  if %r == newbet {
    if %bet.q { .notice $2 Bet was already opened and not closed yet. | return }
    if !$4 || $numtok($4-,58) != 3 { .notice $2 command: !newbet <question> : <option1>,<option2>,<option3>,<etc> : <point> | return }
    var %p $remove($gettok($4-,3,58),$chr(32)) 
    if %p !isnum || %p < 1 { .notice $2 <point> was set incorrectly | return }
    set -e %bet.q $gettok($4-,1,58)
    noop $regex($gettok($4-,2,58),/(\S.+$)/iS)
    var %re /((:?\s+)?,(:?\s+)?)/giS
    set -e %bet.a $regsubex($regml(1),%re,$chr(44))
    set -e %bet.p %p
    msg $1 [BET OPENED] Question: %bet.q :: Option: %bet.a :: Bet Point: %bet.p - Use: !bet <option> to set your bet.    
    .timerbet.warn 1 90 msg $1 [BET] Bet will be closed in 30secs. 
    .timerbet.close 1 120 set -e %bet.closed 1 | msg $1 [BET] Bet is closed.
  if %r == bet && !%bet.closed {
    if !%bet.q && !%bet.bet { 
      set -u60 %bet.bet 1
      msg $1 [BET] There is no BET yet.
    if $readini(casino.ini,$2,Money) < %bet.p {
      if !$istok(%bet.point,$2,32) {
        .notice $2 You dont have enough point to bet. Point required to bet is $+(<,%bet.p,>)
        set -e %bet.point $addtok(%bet.point,$2,32)
    if $wildtok(%bet.user,$+($2,*),1,215) { 
      if !$istok(%bet.twice,$2,32) {
        .notice $2 You can't bet twice! 
        set -e %bet.twice $addtok(%bet.twice,$2,32)
    if !$4 {
      if !$istok(%bet.warned,$2,32) || $2 isop $1 { 
        .notice $2 [BET] %bet.q : %bet.a - Use: !bet <option> to set your bet. 
        set -e %bet.warned $addtok(%bet.warned,$2,32) 
    if !$istok(%bet.a,$4-,44) { 
      if !$istok(%bet.invalid,$2,32) { 
        .notice $2 Valid options are: %bet.a 
        set -e %bet.invalid $addtok(%bet.invalid,$2,32) 
    set -e %bet.user $addtok(%bet.user,$2 $4-,215)
    msg $1 $+($2,'s) bet is $4-
  if %r == wonbet {
    if !%bet.q { .notice $2 There is no open BET yet. | return }
    if !$4 { .notice $2 command: !wonbet <option> | return }
    if !$istok(%bet.a,$4-,44) { .notice $2 Valid options are: %bet.a | return }
    var %i 1
    while $gettok(%bet.user,%i,215) {
      var %w $v1, %n $gettok(%w,1,32), %add 0
      if $+(*,$4-) iswm %w && %n ison $1 { var %win %win %n, %add 1 }
      if $+(*,$4-) !iswm %w { var %add -1 }
      writeini -n casino.ini %n Money $calc($readini(casino.ini,%n,Money) + (%bet.p * %add))
      inc %i
    msg $1 [BET RESULT] $+(<,$4-,>) was the winning option! $iif(%win,Winners are: %win - good luck for all others on the next bet!,There is no winner!)
    unset %bet.*
    .timerbet.* off