This is my twitchtv.mrc file.

on *:text:The moderators of this room are*:?:{
  /hfree ops
  /hmake ops
  if ($nick != jtv) return
  /hadd -m ops [yourbroadcaster name] $ctime
  /var %count = $numtok($remove( $7- , $chr(32) ) , 44)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %count) {
    hadd -m ops $gettok($remove( $7- , $chr(32) ) ,%i,44) $ctime
    inc %i
  echo -a The number of ops is %count

on *:text:SPECIALUSER & subscriber:?:{
  if ($nick != jtv) return
  hadd -m subscribers $2 $ctime

on 1:JOIN:#:{ /hdel subscribers $nick }

on 1:TEXT:!permit*:#:{
  if !$hget(ops,$nick) { /halt }
  /set %Linkers %Linkers $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124)) 
  /msg $chan $$2 you have %linkdelay seconds to post a link
  /timer $+ $$2 1 %linkdelay /set %Linkers $remove(%Linkers, $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124) )

on 1:TEXT:!regular*:#:{
  if !$hget(ops,$nick) { /halt }
  if $hget(regulars,$$2) {
    /hdel regulars $$2
    /msg $chan $$2 removed from the list of users permitted to always post links
  if !$hget(regulars,$$2) {
    /hadd -m regulars $$2 $ctime
    /msg $chan $$2 added to list of users permitted to always post links

on 1:TEXT:!ban*:#:{
  if !$hget(ops,$nick) { /halt }
  /msg $chan .ban $$2

on 1:TEXT:!checksub*:#:{
  if !$hget(ops,$nick) { /halt }

  if $hget(subscribers, $$2) {
    /msg $chan $$2 is a current subscriber!
  if !$hget(subscribers, $$2)  {   
    /msg $chan $$2 is either not a current subscriber, or the bot just hasn't seen them in a while.

on 1:TEXT:!unban*:#:{
  if !$hget(ops,$nick) { /halt }
  /msg $chan .unban $$2

on 1:TEXT:!timeout*:#:{
  if !$hget(ops,$nick) { /halt }
  /msg $chan .timeout $$2 $$3

on 1:TEXT:*:#:{
  /set %linker $chr(124) $+ $nick $+ $chr(124)
  if $hget(subscribers,$nick) { 
  if $hget(regulars,$nick) { 
  if $hget(ops, $nick) { 
  if %linker isin %Linkers { 

  if $regex(url, $1-, \b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+\.(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|eus|gal|info|int|jobs|mobi|museum|name|net|org|post|pro|tel|travel|xxx|edu|gov|mil)\b) { 
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Either subscribe (Subscribers can always post links), or ask a moderator for permission to post a link first. (Banned from posting for %bandelay seconds)
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  if http: isin $1- {
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Ask a moderator for permission first. (Banned from posting for %banlength seconds)
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  /set %Linkers $remove( %Linkers, $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124) )
  if $calc($ctime - $hget(subscribers,$nick)) > 86400 { /hdel subscribers $nick } 

on 1:action:*:#:{
  /set %linker $chr(124) $+ $nick $+ $chr(124)
  if $hget(subscribers,$nick) { 
  if $hget(regulars,$nick) { 
  if $hget(ops, $nick) { 
  if %linker isin %Linkers { 

  if $regex(url, $1-, \b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+\.(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|eus|gal|info|int|jobs|mobi|museum|name|net|org|post|pro|tel|travel|xxx|edu|gov|mil)\b) { 
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Either subscribe (Subscribers can always post links), or ask a moderator for permission to post a link first. (Banned from posting for %bandelay seconds)
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  if http: isin $1- {
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Ask a moderator for permission first. (Banned from posting for %banlength seconds)
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  /set %Linkers $remove( %Linkers, $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124) )
  if $calc($ctime - $hget(subscribers,$nick)) > 86400 { /hdel subscribers $nick } 

To use this you must be set some items in your perform on connect...
/raw twitchclient 2
/timerresetsubs 1 86400 /hfree subscribers
/join #yourchannel
/timer 1 5 /msg #yourchannel .mods

you have to set a variable to store the banlength.
type one of the following in a channel

/set %banlength 30 for 30 seconds
/set %banlength 300 for 5 minutes 

Then you have to set %linkdelay (How long they have to post a link after being permitted)

/set %linkdelay 30 for 30 seconds

Replace [yourbroadcaster name] with your broadcaster name, and #yourchannel with #yourchannelname

If you load this code you have a basic twitch tv bot then you can expand it from there.