ok i changed
if $hget(ops,$nick) == $null /halt

if $nick !isop # { halt }

now normal users linking without permission get their links removed, get warning msg, and get timed out.

mods do NOT get their links removed but still get the warning and get timed out. Here is the new script.

on 1:TEXT:!permit*:#:{
  if $nick !isop # { halt }
  /set %Linkers %Linkers $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124)) 
  /msg $chan $$2 you have %linkdelay seconds to post a link
  /timer $+ $$2 1 %linkdelay /set %Linkers $remove(%Linkers, $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124) )

on 1:TEXT:!regular*:#:{
  if $nick !isop # { halt }
  if $hget(regulars,$$2) {
    /hdel regulars $$2 
    /msg $chan $$2 removed from the list of users permitted to always post links
  if !$hget(regulars,$$2) {
    /hadd -m regulars $$2 $ctime
    /msg $chan $$2 added to list of users permitted to always post links

on 1:TEXT:*:#:{
  /set %linker $chr(124) $+ $nick $+ $chr(124)

  if $hget(subscribers,$nick) { 
  if $hget(regulars,$nick) { 
  if $hget(ops, $nick) { 
  if %linker isin %Linkers { 

  if $regex(url, $1-, \b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+\.(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|eus|gal|info|int|jobs|mobi|museum|name|net|org|post|pro|tel|travel|xxx|edu|gov|mil)\b) { 
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Either subscribe (Subscribers can always post links), or ask a moderator for permission to post a link first. 
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  if http: isin $1- {
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Ask a moderator for permission first.
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  /set %Linkers $remove( %Linkers, $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124) )

on 1:action:*:#:{
  /set %linker $chr(124) $+ $nick $+ $chr(124)

  if $hget(subscribers,$nick) { 
  if $hget(regulars,$nick) { 
  if $hget(ops, $nick) { 
  if %linker isin %Linkers { 

  if $regex(url, $1-, \b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+\.(?:[a-zA-Z]{2}|aero|asia|biz|cat|com|coop|eus|gal|info|int|jobs|mobi|museum|name|net|org|post|pro|tel|travel|xxx|edu|gov|mil)\b) { 
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Either subscribe (Subscribers can always post links), or ask a moderator for permission to post a link first. (Banned from posting for %bandelay seconds)
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  if http: isin $1- {
    /msg $chan You are not permitted to post links $nick $+ ! Ask a moderator for permission first. 
    /msg $chan .timeout $nick %banlength
  /set %Linkers $remove( %Linkers, $chr(124) $+ $$2 $+ $chr(124) )