I'm new to this forum and I started another post this morning on another issue so I'm hoping it's not a problem to have two post dealing with two separate scripts on this forum. If I need to combine both posts let me know and I will do that.

The reason for this post is dealing with my Point Distribution System. I found a script that will set up a system where when a user joins my chat they get 1 point (token) for every 900 seconds (15min) they are in chat. This portion of the code works great.

The problem is whenever a user enters the chat they get 1 point then 1 point every 15min. What I need is a way for them not to get 1 point until the first 15min is up. Otherwise they would be able to leave chat and come back over and over and farm points. Is there a way to delay the first point until after the first 15min.

If not what would be the best way of removing the added point every time they join.

Here is all my code for the point (token) script.

alias -l addPoints {
  if ($1 !isnum) { echo 2 -st $1 is not a number. It needs to be a number. | halt }
  var %topic $+($chan,.,$nick)
  var %points $calc($readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points) + $1)
  writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %points
  return %points

alias -l lookUpPoints {
  var %topic $+($chan,.,$nick)
  var %points $readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points)
  return %points
alias doaddpoints {
  if ($3 !isnum) { echo 2 -st $3 is not a number. It needs to be a number. | halt }
  var %topic $+($1,.,$2)
  var %points $calc($readini(Points.ini,%topic,Points) + $3)
  writeini -n Points.ini %topic Points %points
  echo -a Added points for %topic

alias dorempoints {
  var %topic $+($1,.,$2)
  remini -n Points.ini %topic Points
  echo -a Removed points for %topic

on *:text:!tokens:#:{
  if ((%floodpoints) || ($($+(%,floodpoints.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -u10 %floodpoints On
  set -u30 %floodpoints. $+ $nick On
  msg # $nick has $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) total tokens.

on $*:text:/!tokens (add|remove)/Si:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($0 < 3) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use !points <add|remove> <user> [number] | return }
    writeini -n Points.ini $+(#,.,$3) Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$3),Points) $iif($2 == add,+,-) $iif($4 isnum,$4,1))
    { msg $chan $3 now has $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$3),Points) total tokens. }
  else { msg $chan This command is only available to moderators. }
on !*:join:#:{
  $+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) 0 900 add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
  add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
on !*:part:#:$+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) off
alias -l add.pts {
  writeini -n Points.ini $1 Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$1,Points) + 1)