Originally Posted By: AllDayGrinding
Thanks! Were did you find this snippet?
http://hawkee.com/snippet/4373/ searching a code with MIRC in it will most likely bring you to a snippet

Originally Posted By: AllDayGrinding
Also where do you type to say a message like Ay You! Calm your caps [Warning] ??

add a random variable:
on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) { halt }
  if ( $len($1-) >= 10 ) {
    if ( $calc($regex($1-,/[A-Z]/g) / $regex($1-,/[A-Z]/gi) * 100) >= 70 ) {
      var %capsblock = $rand(1,3)
      if (%capsblock == 1) { msg $chan $nick -> stop typing in caps! [caps] [warning] }
      if (%capsblock == 2) { msg $chan $nick -> Ey! stop yelling! [caps] [warning] }
      if (%capsblock == 3) { msg $chan $nick -> stop typing in BIG LETTERS! [caps] [warning] }
      write capsban.txt $nick
      .timerCapsBan 1 300 CapsBan # $nick

Also still need a way for it to not say warning the second time

EDIT: look at the "msg $chan" behind the variable spots
{ msg $chan $nick -> Ey! stop yelling! [caps] [warning] }

Last edited by judge2020; 13/04/14 08:54 PM.

i made a chat bot for mark_paintball! http://twitch.tv/mark_paintball