I dont think your code will work "perfectly".
Why did you think that join event has $2 in it?
$2 is always $null. CMIIW.

Another thing, if you join with newnick, how could you identify that is "you" with your old nick?
You have to identify it by checking their ip address.

To make it more visible to you, dont use same welcome message. First you can use "Be Welcome", but for second part try use "Welcome Back" or else and see what happen.

Originally Posted By: gavintrujillo
Thanks the code worked. I didn't really want help with that exact code, but I used your advice to finish my welcome bot:

on *:text:!name*:#:{
if ((%floodname) || ($($+(%,floodname.,$nick),2))) { return }
set %floodname. $+ $nick On
set %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2
msg $chan $nick set their nickname to $2
on !*:join:#redhunterp:{
if ((%floodwelcome) || ($($+(%,floodwelcome.,$nick),2))) { return }
set -u21600 %floodwelcome. $+ $nick On
if ($2 == $null) {
if (%name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) {
var %welcome = $rand(1,6)
if (%welcome == 1) msg $chan $nick $+ , Welcome to the stream! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 2) msg $chan Welcome to the stream $nick $+ ! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 3) msg $chan $nick Welcome! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 4) msg $chan Welcome $nick $+ ! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 5) msg $chan Good to see you $nick $+ , Welcome to the stream!
if (%welcome == 6) msg $chan $nick $+ , good to see you! Welcome to the stream!
else {
var %welcome = $rand(1,6)
if (%welcome == 1) msg $chan %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , Welcome to the stream! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 2) msg $chan Welcome to the stream %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 3) msg $chan %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Welcome! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 4) msg $chan Welcome %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ! Be welcome!
if (%welcome == 5) msg $chan Good to see you %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , Welcome to the stream!
if (%welcome == 6) msg $chan %name. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ , good to see you! Welcome to the stream!

Thanks for the help grin

Last edited by blessing; 11/04/14 03:23 AM.