probably about 5 with link block in it.

Here's my link block, it's not special but works
on *:text:*.com*:#:{
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) return
  Msg # .timeout $nick 1
  Msg # Stop posting links!
on *:text:*www.*:#:{
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) return
  Msg # .timeout $nick 1
  Msg # Stop posting links!
on *:text:*http*:#:{
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) return
  Msg # .timeout $nick 1
  Msg # Stop posting links!
on *:text:*https*:#:{
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) return
  Msg # .timeout $nick 1
  Msg # Stop posting links!
on *:text:*.info*:#:{
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) return
  Msg # .timeout $nick 1
  Msg # Stop posting links!
on *:text:*.uk*:#:{
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) return
  Msg # .timeout $nick 1
  Msg # Stop posting links!

the if command will read my allowed list [reglist.txt]
Here the code i use to add/delete my regulars:
on *:TEXT:!reg add*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) {
    write reglist.txt $$3
    msg $chan $$3 has been added to the regular list! 
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) {
    write reglist.txt $$3
    msg $chan $$3 has been added to the regular list! 
on *:TEXT:!reg del*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$3)) write -dl $+ $readn reglist.txt 
    msg # $$3 has been removed from the regular list!
  if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$nick)) {
    if ($read(reglist.txt,nw,$3)) write -dl $+ $readn reglist.txt 
    msg # $$3 has been removed from the regular list!

and a permit command:
on *:TEXT:!permit*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) && ($2) {
    write reglist.txt $2
    msg # $2 has been permited to post a link for 20 seconds
    .timerRemovePermit 1 20 RemovePermit # $2
  if ($read(sreglist.txt,nw,$nick)) && ($2) {
    write reglist.txt $2
    msg # $2 has been permited to post a link for 20 seconds
    .timerRemovePermit 1 20 RemovePermit # $2

those two are sreg because i only want special regulars to permit links or add regulars

Hope this helped.

Last edited by judge2020; 08/04/14 07:00 PM. Reason: fixed some stuff

i made a chat bot for mark_paintball!