Originally Posted By: Exuviax

*:TEXT:!Roulette:#: {
if ((%floodroulette) || ($($+(%,floodroulette.,$nick),2))) { return }
set -u10 %floodroulette On
set -u30 %floodroulette. $+ $nick On
if ($nick isop #) {
var %randmods = $rand(1,4)
if (%randmods == 1) msg $chan Roulette clicks!...Empty...You live to see another day $nick
if (%randmods == 2) msg $chan BANG! ... You were shot, but live! There must be secert powers in your mod armor $nick
if (%randmods == 3) msg $chan BANG! ... The bullet missed, you only have your born moderation powers to thank $nick
if (%randmods == 4) msg $chan $nick starts to shake, $nick tries to pull the trigger but can't. $nick drops the gun, $nick isn't up to the challenge of Roulette.
else {
var %randnumber = $rand(1,4)
if (%randnumber == 1) { msg $chan BANG!... Roulette claims another soul. R.I.P $nick
msg $chan /timeout $nick 600 }
if (%randnumber == 2) { msg $chan Roulette clicks!...Empty...You live to see another day $nick }
if (%randnumber == 3) { msg $chan BANG!... $nick Was a great viewer, and now $nick is a dead viewer. R.I.P
msg $chan /timeout $nick 600 }
if (%randnumber == 4) { msg $chan $nick starts to shake, $nick tries to pull the trigger but can't. $nick drops the gun, $nick isn't up to the challenge of Roulette. }


is there a way to add a on and off command for this?