anyway this can be done laugh?

alias inspect {
  var %scanner = 1
  window -adC @Inspect_ $+ $1
  while (%scanner <= $lines($1)) {
    set %scriptLine $read($1,%scanner)
    if ($findtok(%scriptLine,test,1,32) != $null) {
      aline 7 @Inspect_ $+ $1 Script has word 'Test' in it - line %scanner
    inc %scanner 1

It seems to go through file just fine, but because it is a script file I am scanning through... it sometimes does the things that are in the script file, so if there is a $tip function within the script, it would pop up while im scanning through it looking for test, and of course i don't want it to do any of the functions inside the Script im scanning through.

Last edited by dominic_eddy; 28/03/14 05:35 PM.