It's pretty easy to interact with external programs with mirc. I have made c# programs which my bot will start simply by using /run and passing parameters to the c# exe. I also have the exe communicate back to mirc but you shouldn't need that with this.

If you could map the buttons you need to normal keys there is a way to send keystrokes from mirc.

on *:text:f1:#:sendkeys {F1}

alias sendkeys var %a = $ticks | .comopen %a WScript.Shell | if !$comerr { .comclose %a $com(%a,SendKeys,3,bstr,$1-) }

Though from what you say it sounds like you trying to emulate controller buttons and I think you'd have to make an external script in another language that can emulate those commands. Then you can have mirc run that external script telling it what button needs pressed.

If you're still trying to do this you should post some more specifics and I might be able to help.
My personal site with some scripts I've released.