Hiya Loki and others,
I've been reading lots of your useful posts across this forum and am well on the way with my bot. My bot can now check for new followers, check if the channel is online or not and a few other bits and bobs.

I'm a massive mIRC fan and have been using it since 1999!

Unfortunately I'm struggling with this one. I'd like to use the bot to update the channels game and topic. This is the first time I'm using the bot to SEND information rather than just retrieve it.

I have registered my application - got my oath token - activated the application/bot to work on my channel - installed the script into my remote and run it a bunch of times.

Each time I'm getting the error - Could not set status.

I can see this is a generic error for 'this didn't work' but I cannot see how or why. It is possible I have made a mistake in the previous steps - but I'm not sure where to turn next. I can provide more information if needed- but the code is essentially what Loki has written above. The only possible difference is that my bot username is not the channelname - and I think I've tweaked the code to compensate for that - but that could be my problem?

I understand totally that this is a mirc board not a twitch board. I am a big mirc fan and I am so pleased that I can use my old mirc skills again in combination with my new twitch skills.

Thank you in advance for any help.
