I have made a bot with multiple forms of spam control like if the bot has typed more then 5 times in 10 seconds and for any specific command is entered it wont respond after 10 seconds and 30 seconds for that specific nick.

It would be nice to post why the bot does not respond to a public cloud document like google docs but I have been stumbling with the oath, maybe google docs is not the best medium to use.

Here is my current code saving what the bot does to a file:
ON *:TEXT:!drink:#: {
  var %BotDidThis = $date $time $nick typed !drink in #

  if ($read(NotAllowed $+ # $+ .txt,w,$nick)) { %BotDidThis = %BotDidThis But was stopped due to being banned. | write BotDidThis.txt %BotDidThis | return }
  if ((%flooddrink.drink = On) || (%flooddrink. $+ $nick = On) ) { %BotDidThis = %BotDidThis But was stoped due to flood Control. | write BotDidThis.txt %BotDidThis | return }
  if (%totalcommandsin10sec >= 5) { %BotDidThis = %BotDidThis But was stoped due to The bot typing 5 times within 10 seconds.  | write BotDidThis.txt %BotDidThis | return }

  set -u10 %flooddrink.drink  On
  set -u30 %flooddrink. $+ $nick On
  inc %totalcommandsin10sec
  timer $+ $nick $+ $time 1 10 dec %totalcommandsin10sec 
  var %drink = $read(Drinks.txt)
  msg # Gives $nick %drink
  %BotDidThis = %BotDidThis and Bot responded: Gives $nick %drink
  write BotDidThis.txt %BotDidThis

I have been trying to make an alias to write to using sockets so where I write to a file I can also call the alias to also write it to a cloud public document that is only viewable by others and editable by me, but keep getting access denied from not having the proper syntax oath. Thanks for your time and support.