Oh no, the edit was simply there when I was testing it out and didn't want random ops in the channel to mess around with the command.
Your code is probably 10x better than mine, it's at least way more compact. But I think I'll stick with mine cause of the feeling of making it myself (With your help ofc)

on *:text:!mmr*:#: {
  if ($($+(%,floodchan.,$chan),2)) || ($($+(%,flood.,$nick),2)) { return }
  set -u10 %floodchan. $+ $chan On

  if (# == # [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) || ($nick == nillens) {
    var %chan $chan
    if ($2 == on) && ($istok(%mmrs,#,32)) { msg # Mmr system is already on! | return }
    elseif ($2 == on) && (!$istok(%mmrs,#,32)) { set %mmrs $addtok(%mmrs,#,32) | msg # Mmr system now on! | write -l1 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt 3 | return }
    if ($2 == off) && (!$istok(%mmrs,#,32)) { msg # Mmr system is already off! | return }
    elseif ($2 == off) && ($istok(%mmrs,#,32)) { set %mmrs $remtok(%mmrs,#,32) | msg # Mmr system now off! | return }

  if ($istok(%mmrs,#,32)) {
    var %chan $chan
    var %l2 $read(C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt,1)
    var %l3 $read(C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt,2)

    if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan Solo: %l2 | msg $chan Party: %l3 | return }

    if ($nick isop #) { 
      if ($2 == solo) && ($3 == edit) { msg $chan Solo mmr is now $4 | write -l2 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt $4 | return }
      if ($2 == party) && ($3 == edit) { msg $chan Party mmr is now $4 | write -l3 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt $4 | return }
      if ($2 != solo) && ($2 != party) { msg $chan Specify if you played solo or party. | return }
      elseif ($3 != +) && ($3 != -) { msg $chan Did you go + or -? | return } 
      elseif ($4 !isnum) { msg $chan Sorry, $4 is not a number. | return }  

      elseif ($2 == solo) && ($3 == +) { 
        var %s+ $calc(%l2 + $4)
        write -l2 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt %s+
        msg $chan Current solo mmr is: %s+ ( $+ %l2 + $4 $+ )

      elseif ($2 == solo) && ($3 == -) { 
        var %s- $calc(%l2 - $4)
        write -l2 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt %s-
        msg $chan Current solo mmr is: %s- ( $+ %l2 - $4 $+ )

      elseif ($2 == party) && ($3 == +) { 
        var %p+ $calc(%l3 + $4)
        write -l3 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt %p+
        msg $chan Current party mmr is: %p+ ( $+ %l3 + $4 $+ )

      elseif ($2 == party) && ($3 == -) { 
        var %p- $calc(%l3 - $4)
        write -l3 C:\Users\Nillen\Dropbox\BOT\Mmrs\mmrs $+ %chan $+ .txt %p-
        msg $chan Current party mmr is: %p- ( $+ %l3 - $4 $+ )


Is what the final script looks like for me.

And yeah, I know. I put if statements where I can simply use elses, it's cause it helps me understand what it is I'm writing when scripting it. It's a bad habit of mine.

Nillens @ irc.twitch.tv
Nillen @ irc.rizon.net