on *:text:!listjoin:#: { 
  if ($read(list.txt,nw,$nick)) { msg $chan $nick is already in the list. | return }
  else write list.txt $nick 
  msg $chan Added $nick to the list
on *:text:!del *:#: { 
if ($nick isop #) {
 if (!$read(list.txt,nw,$2)) { msg $chan $2 is not in the list. | return }
 elseif ($read(list.txt,nw,$2)) { msg $chan deleted $2 from the list. 
  write -dl $+ $readn list.txt }

I suggest you do not read every name in the file since it's one of the easiest ways to get chat banned from twitch.

Lots of info can be found by typing "/help /write" in the mIRC application, I suggest you do so as well.

Nillens @
Nillen @