I have not yet tested this code, but this should get you on track where you want to go:

; The %1 variable holds the username
; The %rq is the 'random quote' generator. Add any of them  you want within the $+() and separate each quote by a comma, a > and another comma.
; For example: If you wanted to add a new random-quote, you would change the variable to: $+(has not joined the channel.,>,has joined the channel,>,has joined and is the only hope for our world!,>,this is a new random quote)

alias -l checkUserTimer {
var %1 = $1, %rq = $+(has not joined the channel.,>,has joined the channel,>,has joined and is the only hope for our world!)

; Make sure that a timer for this person does not already exist.
; If it does not, then set a timer for an hour and then msg the channel with a random quote for that user
  if (!$timer(%1)) {
    .timer [ $+ [ %1 ] ] 1 3600 noop
    msg $2 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) %1 $gettok(%rq,$rand(1,$gettok(%rq,0,62)),62)
    ; In here you would add what you want the script to do if the user's name has a timer already
#group1 on
ON *:JOIN:#cutenaomi,#abraham_linksys,#chivalrouscthulu: {
  checkUserTimers $nick #
#group1 end
