How do I script around being randomly thrown off and then reconnecting later? Due to
* banksysa ( has joined #beyondthesummit
* badsync ( has joined #beyondthesummit
* mefrusta ( has joined #beyondthesummit
* inferno_mt ( has left #beyondthesummit
* mdgeist7 ( has left #beyondthesummit
* vector96 ( has left #beyondthesummit

what I'm assuming is the Twitch server throwing people off and on, the "on PART" is trigger... well... EVERYTHING. It's not supposed to run unless you actually part the channel.

I tried scripting around it by adding a "wait" to check if bot was still in channel, but that seem to have little effect. Despite being able to read all the chat I appear to be more disconnected than connected to the channels. (This only happens in big channels).

Anyone that have a solution to this are gods, have spend 2 hours on this little tiny thing now, I call it quits.