So I need assistance with a bit of code. I am not even sure if it is possible.
I am coding for a server that will only display user joins every 10 seconds. so if 10 people joined within 10 seconds it will display them all at once.
What I need to do is be able to welcome them to the chat-room without flooding the chat.
So using:
on ^*:join:#:{
if ($nick == $me) { msg $chan Have no fear Ike_Bot is here. | halt | goto end }
if ($me isop $chan) && ($nick != $me) && (%welcome == on) { msg $chan Hey everyone $nick has joined the stream. }
This method would flood the chat.
Is there a way to collect multiple nicknames and display them all in 1 welcome message? So like make it pause for 5 seconds or something to collect names before it sends the welcome msg.
ie: Hey everyone, $nick1 $+ , $nick2 $+ , ect... has joined the stream

The server I am coding this for is

Thank you in advance for anyone who helps with this.