1 / 2: Put this in the remote tab: Tools -> Script Editor .. Now alter it to what you want.

on *:start:{ 

  ; Change the 'Nick' part to what you want your nick to be. 
  ; Change the '#channel' part to what channel you want to join. 

  server irc.foobar.net -i Nick -j #channel

  ; the -m switch creates a new window. Use this for every server after the first.

  server -m irc.anotherserver.net -i Nick2 -j #cake 

3: Can't really do anything about that, except hide behind a BNC/proxy, although most people have no valid reason to hide that info.

4: Enter this where you type "/font" .. pick something -> [check] Use default -> OK

5: Enter this where you type "/timestamp on" .. Could probibly use a script to alter the nick color / separate the text from the nick.

6: Not sure on that, someone else might know.

For info on the commands, type these where you type text in mirc.
/help on start
/help /server
/help /timestamp
/help /font