It is possible to disable the version reply using DLL's, or even only scripts. Not that I've done it, but I'm running a script that would take about two lines of additional code to do so.
Not that it really matters, because Khaled has made it pretty clear he'd like you to stay away from the version reply, so whether you hex mIRC or use a script doesn't make any difference in my opinion.

It would be nice if there was an option to ignore only version CTCP's though. Not that the fact you're using mIRC is a serious security issue, but using mIRC almost always implies you are using windows as well... (don't know if wine and other emulators emulate security bugs as well :[b][/b]P )
If you selected this option, mIRC would just ignore version CTCP's, not trigger any events, and not write them to debug.log or @debug (or people would exploit it for their own version reply anyway)

$input(Me like stars, You too?)