Try this instead
on *:text:!points:#:{
  msg # $nick has $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),Points) total points.
on $*:text:/!points (add|remove)/Si:#:{
  if ($0 < 3) { msg # Insufficient parameters: Use !points <add|remove> <user> [number] | return }
  writeini -n Points.ini $+(#,.,$3) Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,$3),Points) $iif($2 == add,+,-) $iif($4 isnum,$4,1))
on !*:join:#:{
  $+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) 0 300 add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
  add.pts $+(#,.,$nick)
on !*:part:#:$+(.timerpoints.,#,.,$nick) off
alias -l add.pts {
  writeini -n Points.ini $1 Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$1,Points) + 1)

!points add user ..................... Adds 1 point to user
!points add user (number).......... Adds (N) points to user
!points remove user.................. Removes 1 point from user
!points remove user (number)...... Removes (N) points from user