Originally Posted By: DEATHJ0KER
I do not mean the chat windows for such status, channel or query, but I am referring to MDI windows and dialog windows client.
I have met many people who would like to change the color of windows mirc without the 'help of third-party software that change colors in the windows proprietary.
In my case require this special because of this.
In the video I try to highlight a bug that is created by turning on the style in the aero toolbar that is attached to the client via the dock. In my script, you can activate different styles, I would say endless because you can assign any color or style. With dcx.dll you can enable Aero style dialog boxes that interacts with the background colors of the theme of windows in versions 7 and 8, using the color theme of the window.
I've attached the video does not show all the options, with which you can apply your own style in the dialog windows.
is a style purely transparent, which makes the windows style glass.
This style uses Aero and if the window is stuck in the dialog mirc being transparent (with background image in the dialog) shows a focus that tends to illuminate the dialog with consequent loss of color tones. This is because the background of MDI mIRC does not have the dark background that contrasts the other colors.
In summary and to have the style glass in the client mirc ... including dialog options, for instance.

I hope you help to better understand what is listed above smile
Enclose this my script for use with Windows 7 (This system activates all transparency effects in dialog boxes)properly loaded and running on Windows 7 [some systems even if they have gdi.dll can not enable the library]
To install it you need to install GDI+ Plus and latest Flash player

mIRC VxD Scripts

-> This is not intended as a share of spam, I noticed that here you have easy finger LoL

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