In some network's the /whois command helps you to identify if the user is an network service or not. now in undernet sorry i've never connected there but if you annoying this then use an /ignore method to ignore them here is an remote that ignores every one when connect to an server for 5 seconds, i have not tested, warning that this remote maybe cause you having problems with other seriously notices!

ON *:START: { disable #ignoreall }
ON *:EXIT: { disable #ignoreall }
ON *:DISCONNECT: { disable #ignoreall }
ON *:CONNECT: { enable #ignoreall | .timer[DISABLE_IGNOREALL] 1 5 disable #ignoreall }

#ignoreall off
ON *:NOTICE:*:?: { ignore -n $nick }
CTCP *:*: { ignore -c $nick }
#ignoreall end

- Thanks!

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