the /qroups function is very handy to check status of groups at any point in time. But,
I do not see the ability to display status for groups within ONE script.

A simulation of what is displayed will show what I mean..

This is only partial output of /groups command (without any parm): /groups (called from in a script)

* HorseC.mrc groups:
#hcwho off
#hcwhois off
#whatchan off
* netnotify.mrc groups:
* HCalldal groups:
* Quote System.mrc groups:
#QSys_user_commands_trigger off

I would like to see the addition of script name
or $script on the command..

for example: /groups [-e|d] [$script| script_name_here]

If you have a script that, for example, triggers ability for users to issue command to the script (on text inside a group) it would help.

Right now, it shows the information, but lists every script one has loaded. This can be a very long list (why i only showed part of mine above..)

Having the ability to use $script would proved the ability to check status on groups in a particular script and would mean a much smaller display.

I mention all of this, because i have setup a script with a
dialog to set options (one being enable user commands), and
rather than make the user pull up the dialog to check the
current status of triggers it would be easier with a simple (I hope) change to the /groups command format.

Since I have a work around (the dialog to set triggers)
right now, this is not in any way an immediate need.

However, long term, i think it would be of user to script writers.

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