Eh... I'm new to scripting... I've found someone with a rather... bothersome script... as you can see, I use ellipses often, rather than commas or simple periods, and so, I'll occasionally respond with a message containing only "..." well, this person's script responds to a message consisting only of '.'s for n number of periods, with n+1 '.'s
now, this is a bothersome script for me. now, I've written a sort of rebuttal, note that the text isn't final, and I've not yet tested it, I just wanted to know if this should work, and if not why (I want to learn, so if it's possible, I'd rather help than the successful code, though I would accept the successful code as well).
var %dot = .
var %name = someName
on 1:TEXT:$msg:#:{
  if (!(!%dot isin $msg)) {//can I do this, the !var?
    if (%name == $nick) {//will this only react if %name said it?
      msg $chan That dang script, $nick.

Last edited by JAMSM; 24/02/13 06:38 AM.