didn't seem to work, maybe it's because It doesn't really work with the rest of the script.
this is the full script:
alias announce { 
  if ($1 == $null) { 
    echo 4 -a Add a message to announce!
  writeini announce.ini set true 1
  copy -o people.txt remaining.txt
  set %announcer 1
  set %remainer $read(remaining.txt, %announcer) 
  while (%remainer != $null) {
    if (%remainer ison #test) {
      notice %remainer $1- 
      write -ds $+ %remainer remaining.txt 
    inc %announcer 1
    set %remainer $read(remaining.txt, %announcer)
  if ($read(remaining.txt, 1) == $null) {
    writeini announce.ini set true 0
on *:JOIN:#test: {
  if ($readini(announce.ini,set,true) == 1) {
    set %remainer $read(remaining.txt, s, $nick) 
    if (%remainer != $null) { 
      notice %remainer $1- 
      write -ds $+ %remainer remaining.txt

Do you reckon you could modify my entire script please smile? I would, but I have never really done the kind of things you used in script you did.

as for global or local variables, I don't know, I guess global to be on the safe side laugh

OMG, can't believe I forgot to note down the announcement message so if someone joins, the script didn't know what it was saying! lol, i'm such a derp
I'll let ya know if it works once i added the message thing.

i replaced notice wooolly $1- with $readini(announcement.ini(ETC)) so the script knew what it was actually announcing lol, but it still didn't work unfortunatly. Only send message to the first person on list, and when i /hop'ed, it didn't send notice to person.

Last edited by dominic_eddy; 17/02/13 06:23 PM.