This line will show up in the menu/rightclick for the window @friends.

$str($chr(160),3) Nick $+ $str($chr(9),2) $+ Note $+ $str($chr(9),3) $+ Online

But i want to hide the line from menu, I dont want it to be triggered even if somone click on it, and the best way is to hide it from the menu. The line looks like:

Nick Note Online

It dont show up here exactly as it does in the custom window, but i hope you get the idea.


Test this
alias example {
  if (!$window(@friends)) { window -lCk0 @friends 50 50 700 376 Verdana 11 }
  aline @friends $str($chr(160),3) Nick $+ $str($chr(9),2) $+ Note $+ $str($chr(9),3) $+ Online

menu @friends {
 Here i want to hide/disable the line: { $sline(@friends ,1) }

So it not trigger when right click on it, but still i want to be able to show the users added to the list, will use remove and some things like that.

Last edited by sparta; 25/01/13 05:50 PM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }