Originally Posted By: Riamus2

  ; Sort
  hsave -n tablename path\filename
  filter -ffcuten 2 32 same_path\filename same_path\filename

  ; Get results
  ; Note the "N" in the 2 $read is the line number of your results.
  ; It needs to be replaced with either hard-coded numbers or else a variable
  ; and then you'd loop through however many you want - Top 5, Top 10, etc.
  //echo -a $hget(tablename,$gettok($read(same_path\filename,N),1,32)).item
  //echo -a $gettok($read(same_path\filename,N),2,32)

*Note: The example above assumes the table is set up with the map as the Item and the number of votes as the Data.

Thats exactly how its set up. Thanks for the script. cool