Yes, of course I could use a com, in my script I'm using darkengine.dll but does not recognize the windows 8.
I tried using this com -> $wmiget(Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
; jethro ~
alias wmiget {
  var %com = cominfo, %com2 = cominfo2, %com3 = cominfo3
  if ($com(%com)) { .comclose %com }
  if ($com(%com2)) { .comclose %com2 }
  if ($com(%com3)) { .comclose %com3 }
  .comopen %com WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
  var %x = $com(%com,ConnectServer,3,dispatch* %com2), $&
    %x = $com(%com2,ExecQuery,3,bstr*,select $prop from $1,dispatch* %com3), $&
    %x = $comval(%com3,$iif($2,$2,1),$prop)
  if ($com(%com)) { .comclose %com }
  if ($com(%com2)) { .comclose %com2 }
  if ($com(%com3)) { .comclose %com3 }
  return %x

<- but it returns the full name of the operating system. To me it is necessary to obtain the version number, as this function refers to two buttons that appear depending on the version of Windows, this is to preclude the possibility to choose options that are not appropriate to your operating system.
Thank you for this complete answer, try with moo.dll

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